

Please click on a link below to go directly to that vote:


      Committee Vote







                                 THE OKLAHOMA STATE SENATE


                          1st Regular Session of the 60th Legislature (2025)




                       Aeronautics & Transportation                      


                    1st Session of the 60th Legislature                  


SENATE BILL 920                

Rosino                          Aerospace infrastructure; requiring certain permit

                                for construction within certain radius of a

                                heliport or vertiport; granting Oklahoma

                                Department of Aerospace and Aeronautics certain

                                authority. Effective date.  



      AYES:   10                                                    RCS#   26

      NAYS:    0                                                   02/24/2025

      CP  :    0                                                     10:05 AM

      VAC :    0                                                            


AYES:   10


Alvord            Bergstrom         Dossett           Frix             

Guthrie           Hines             Jech              Seifried         

Stewart           Weaver           


NAYS:    0













